Stop the feeding of the Machine...

In an era where the population around the world has a level of interconnectivity never seen before. A time where social issues can be brought to light and given the importance they deserve. There is a great lack of advocacy from those with the greatest voices, speaking for the right things. in a time where we are seeing new truths come to light about the power houses of our entire world.

The world seems divided.

The song "Alright” by Kendrick Lamar is one that speaks on the every day struggles as someone growing up in compton. Growing up in my hometown I saw many resemblances to where i felt a level of connection through the lyrics. To witness someone coming from nothing and being granted the platform to give voice to our pains, was inspiring

This is a cover, almost a parody of the original. A reaction, almost a rant of how appaling it is to see the very heros or villains you’d expect to bring forth the current issues going on like that of the genocides in Palestine. The inhumane treatment of those in the Congo. Along with all the other atrocities our own country and its government have taken part in. To make it worse; that is funded with our own money we keep under our mattress. The same money that we count and calculate to last until the next check.

To a young mexican kid from a small ghetto town that got bullied for being bright; seeing a poet shine the way Kendrick did, made a dream of being one of the greats a possibility. As the world has begun to see past the veil of deceit that has been forced upon us without the knowing of it ever being there, it is the artists, poets, prophets, writers, singers, directors who should use their great talents. Giving voice to the voiceless who have barely the means of exposing the truths going on across the world.

What seems to be the last generations that will be conciously able to make changes are slowly taking the necessary actions. At a steady pace, however slow at times, there is evolution. Our generation and those before us were indoctrined and fed into the idea of consumerism. A means of finding joy in the material things. Where diamonds are of an absurdly higher value than that of food. Where entire countries with dense cities struggle to see a constant influx of food. Others are lavishing over the karats of a rock to be worn and displayed like an example of greatness. Where artists and philosophers were once respected and admired for their vast knowledge and discipline, now they are but puppets, clowns, jesters performing their distasteful propaganda to the younger generations that know not of what is right or wrong.


Borderline Personality.


We are the lost. We are the found.